As a talented individual, you would be having huge dreams in your life. Your high aspirations deserve centre stage among the many emotions in your mind. They deserve to be fulfilled. You deserve to get everything deemed perfect for you. Many high-paying careers require immense training from your side. You must be technically proficient to pass the qualifying tests.
However, there is one roadblock that many students face while pursuing their dreams. They have no fluency in English. Imagine studying your entire life for that one opportunity, and it goes away because you can’t converse well! It is a nightmare indeed. Confident spoken English skills are crucial in every profession. And don’t make the mistake of thinking that you are fluent in English just because you can read this text. Speaking the language is a whole different game.
You need confidence and presence of mind to do it. You will need this fluency if you want to move ahead in your career. Furthermore, English-speaking institutes will open doors to fresh opportunities if you work hard.
Look at a few careers where excellent spoken English proficiency is paramount. These careers are the top choices of many ambitious students. You might want to pursue one of them to have a bright future.
Diplomacy is a skill that only a few officials possess. It is an art of communication that decides the relationship between two countries. As a diplomat, you will be responsible for promoting fairness in decisions and negotiating peace treaties. Thus, you must know the lingua franca of the world- English.
Many IAS officers are promoted to the External Affairs ministry office based on their geographical knowledge and diplomatic skills. However, English is an expected skill for these officers as most responsibilities are performed in this language.
Cabin crew professionals have excellent communication and interpersonal skills. They also have immense training in hospitality. These professionals are responsible for creating a welcoming atmosphere for flight guests. Therefore, they must master the English language.
English-speaking courses have topics on polite communication and greetings in their syllabus. They also sharpen the student's verbal communication skills. These skills are useful when cabin crews dictate safety measures to the passengers.
Many travellers are interested in cross-cultural tourism. They are intoxicated with wanderlust. These travellers journey to different countries and wish to see every corner of the world before they turn to dust. Most of them pick up jobs as English educators in their destination countries.
You can also become one such professional if you wish to travel the world. Becoming an international educator is a brilliant way to finance your vacations. Additionally, subject matter experts and PhD holders must learn English to be professors in international universities.
The medical profession has many complex terms. Students must learn the meaning of all these words if they want to become doctors. They must also remember the function of every body part, which runs on complex processes.
The universal language of healthcare is English. Several research papers are also written in English that you must understand in order to treat your patients. Therefore, learning advanced English is important for medical professionals. You must not be confused between similar words in medical journals. English-speaking courses have become more important in building your medical knowledge.
The tech industry is similar to the medical industry. Many breakthroughs in tech are reported in English. The programming languages also require you to know some advanced terms. You must know the meaning of these terms to understand technical documentation.
As an IT professional, you will know that communication happens in English in the corporate world. It is important to build a rapport with your peers and industry experts. Only then can you ensure higher packages.
74% of the world speaks English as a second language. Moreover, around 2 billion people will speak English by 2050. It would not be wrong to say that other professions also exist where English is a primary skill. Some of them are mentioned below.
You can embark on a self-improvement journey in the English language. If you are determined, you will achieve fluency easily. Just dedicate yourself to the language, and it will be easy to achieve your goals.
Don't let language roadblocks dim your dreams! Master English to unlock a world of exciting careers. You will soon take flight towards a future filled with opportunity and success. With dedication and the right resources, you'll be conversing with confidence in no time. Get started today and conquer your dreams!
English Speaking Exercises for Beginners..